In Love With You


Roses Are Great For Any Occasions For They Are Beauties Loved By All!

Looking For A Bouquet For Proposal, Wedding, Anniversary Or For A Special Occasion? A Fresh Rose Bouquet Fits Prefectly As It Conveys Love, Passion And Admiration For Someone.


Roses Are Best At Conveying Love!

Red - True Love, Passion
Pink - Sweet Romance, Happiness
White - Pure Heart, Youthfulness
Yellow - Friendship, Joy
Lavender - Enchanted Love
Cappuccino - Sincerity, Gratitude
* Cappuccino - A Vintage Colours Of Dusty Pink And Biege Brown, A Rustic Coloured Rose.

Note: Picture is for illustrative purpose.
Prices are not applicable for Valentine's Week due to worldwide huge demanad for roses causing a surge in price.

Additional information


Red, Pink, White, Yellow, Lavender, Cappuccino


Small (12 stalks-Be Mine), Medium (18 stalks-Sincerity), Large (24 stalks-Always On My Mind), Ultimate (99 stalks-Love You Forever)


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